Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Little Lesson in You Never Know

I could never have guessed when I was writing on my now defunct blog the day before my birthday

 that the next time I wrote I would be sitting in New York City.  Or that between here and New

Mexico there would be a year in L.A.! So basically, I have been packing or unpacking for the last

two years. But, aaah New York. Inspiration to live from your soul everywhere. Zan and I will share

with you here what our mother bequeathed to us : to eat and live with intention and greedy joy. What

fun to share this with my crazy sister!



  1. Really glad to see you back online and blogging again Nana! Especially as it looks like its to be a "Duet" with Zan!
    I hope that after the turmoil of the last two years you can finally settle-in and find some peace!
    Looking forward to reading your future articles again!
    Best wishes to to you both.
    Steve xx

  2. thanks Steve! I'm so glad to be back in contact!xx

  3. Welcome back, Nana - we've missed you (& Zan, too, of course). Does this mean you're based in NYC now?

  4. Uh oh. Looks like the girls are back in the kitchen again. I'm sure most would disagree but id personally be scared to be in their kitchen, especially when the wine and dancing starts, I'd likely take a shoe heel or a spatula in the face:) Recent to KitchenWhiches but looking forward to seeing what you two have this round. BTW I put a lengthy post packed with complements for ya Nana on Aug 29th on the KW Facebook page and Youtube Channel, enjoy.

  5. Is the other blog defunct? It's still up when I go there, or has it shut down posting for you?

  6. Super Storm, Shmulper Storm, Franking Storm Sandy. Where your recipes at? I saw NY, NY City Resident Nana Visitor on a news clip saying how the storm looked like a movie.....nice pun. Sorry to see he hardship folks had to go though. I feel the storm shouldn't stop the momentum of these blogs :) I don't know of you girls take requests but if you have a recipe that has that secret super potent protein and vitamin content that Actor(Actress)s and Dancers keep secret and maybe you could share, That would be so, so astonishing!!! Thanks:)!
